7th Grade US History
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This is an archive of the lessons I created to be used by teachers, parents, and students during remote learning.
I began teaching where I left off chronologically in my student teaching, with the Erie Canal. I continue chronologically and thematically through the curriculum, posting one lesson per day. The unit I created for remote learning was about Westward Expansion.
I also decided to add in a unit called the COVID-19 Time Capsule. Students should spend a week on this project collecting primary sources about COVID-19.
Please also note that each Friday was a "Friday Funday" lesson.
Westward Expansion (WE) Unit
15 Miles on the....Erie Canal (3-5 days):
Erie Canal Review (1 day):
Age of Inventions and their Impact on Westward Expansion (4-7 days):
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/age-of-inventions-unit/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/grain-elevator/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/cotton-gin/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/steamboat/
Age of Inventions Review (1 day):
Andrew Jackson (1 day):
Impact of Westward Expansion on Native Americans & Resistance (Trail of Tears) (6-10 days):
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/introduction/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/native-american-experience/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/worcester-v-georgia-31-us-515-1832/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/seminole-wars/
- https://historywithmrst.webnode.com/the-oneida-nation-and-new-york/
COVID-19 Time Capsule (3-5 days)
Civics Lessons
2020 Census (2 days):
Power of Your Story: Journaling During Quarantine (1-5 days):